Slight Audiophile
I currently own these headphones.

I got them about less than half a year ago from a sale at EB Games, at the same time I had broken a very similar set that had belonged to one of my friends (it got run over by a car, I'm not kidding). So I set off to buy two pairs, fifty dollars for the both of them, and for a time, I was satisfied. However, after that short while, I began to feel a sense of discomfort. Unlike some headphones which I had familiarized myself with the year before, such as in the vicinity of true sound-applicable environments (church sound, for example?), where the headphones would fit around the whole of your ears snugly, or did not press upon them as if to disallow any escaping sound waves.
This PowerWave one, wasn't comfortable for extended periods of time, as they would press on the head, and leave behind a slightly pressed feeling, if you know what I mean. And as of such, my housemates have been complaining to me about the volume that I allow for my speakers to rise to, though I doubt it could be high enough to travel beyond the doors. No thanks to the thin, plaster walls that separate my room from theirs.
So these past few weeks (or should I say months?), I either turn my speakers down really low, or just put the PowerWave over my head and feel it trying to push on the head again. Though, I would want to get new headphones, such as those nifty-looking Grado SR-60s that I've seen get really good reviews on some sites, or those that Shure make (even if I could find Shure phones, I would never fork out the cash required for one such item). Unfortunately, whereabouts I live don't really cater to any brands other than Sony, Phillips and Sennheiser, the brands for the masses.
Well, one has to make do with what he has for now.
On another note, out of the bands that contribute to the power metal scene in my playlists, I'm beginning to think that Blind Guardian tops all the others, in terms of listenability and the true dedication to metal, or something like that. There will be an opinion on this genre in posts to come.
Currently listening to: Blind Guardian - Punishment Divine
Try the brand Audio Technica. They're pretty good too.
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