Random Thoughts, eh?
I thought about something this afternoon, a concept that I had given thought to for quite a while. Humankind is the source of all problems happening on this earth, not excluding war, pollution, sin, yada yada, and somewhere along the list comes the term nuclear war.
And nuclear weapons are no doubt a problem created by said mankind, but what matter way to end a problem with a problem itself? A minus multiplied by a minus would result in a plus, so mankind when affected by the instantaneous effects of nuclear war, so long as EVERYBODY dies, and not a single community, or a lost wanderer is left for the scraps of humanity to pick off, the problem is thus solved. Everybody dies, and there are no problems. No inconveniences, annoyances, taxes and whatnot.
Just sweet, blissful ignorance from the ghosts of a past age, ready to be picked at by archeological aliens who come by and check out the doomed history of the human race.
But then, really, even with the prospect of nuclear war, there will be people surviving. No matter how much the earth is ravaged, since it has survived meteor showers, earthquakes, tsunamis and whatnot -which can be much more devastating than mushroom clouds- and thus, so will humanity, though they will be in much smaller numbers than before.
Face it. Mankind is pretty much more resilient than cockroaches, and some scientists I read once about when I was a lot younger predicted that the little buggers would live on for millions of years. We however, can live either for the next twenty minutes, or rule the universe against the Xeelee (Stephen Baxter reference) for eons to come. Cockroaches are predictable. Mankind isn't.
Isn't that what makes us far more interesting than cockroaches can ever be? Live for the moment, the future, or the one that has just gone by, I swear, nothing else I know can perform such a feat.
And sometimes I tend to wonder why the Supreme Creator in his all-infinite wisdom decided to create us out of the soil from whence we had come from. I came up with the idea a long time back, and added to it a bit this afternoon.
He created us because He was lonely, and wanted some company. Plus, I think He thinks us adorable and all that, trying to act in charge of our surroundings.
Ah well.
Currently listening to: Luca Turilli - Rider of the Astral Fire

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