Sunday, October 29, 2006

Bye Bye Photograph

In a day or two, a good number of the pictures that were on this blog will not be seen, thus perfecting the Art of Not Being Seen.

First off, the site, where I happen to have hosted a good number of my work, pictures and whatnot is now being taken down. The reason? It's not my domain, originally belonging to one of my friends who used it to some end, though not very much, so he decided not to pay for the fees this year. Still, he was gracious enough to come and tell me about, and I then went along and FTPed everything in one fell swoop.

With elerians, I could only get PHP, though there were some MySql capabilities. Even so, my friend did not seem to know how to work it, to much avail. Not that he cared anyway, as he was probably using it as I did. Just for the sake of uploading files. Though I would very much want my own site, free of annoying ads or the top bar that you see here on Blogger sites.

So as a disclaimer, a good load of the pictures that I have posted on this site will not be seen. Sorry about that. However, when I get my own domain, I won't see a need for this site, though of course, I will have bandwidth and space to worry about, but that's another story.


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