Thursday, August 31, 2006

Of the Flesh of Trees

Living with two females can sometimes not be the easiest thing to be with, and do excuse the male shallowness of it all when I say they're harder to deal with when the both of them are not sights for sore eyes. If they were, at least their idiosyncracies would be a little bit more palatable.

Ah well, when I came home yesterday with a packet of toilet paper, about eighteen rolls for six dollars, the Home Brand type. The cheap kind, but still worthy enough to clean your arse of rectum paste. I appeared at the door of the managing tenant (Skinny Panda), after I had noticed the lack of toilet serviettes, and told her, "Hey look, I bought the toilet paper!"

She promptly said, "No."
"What?" I asked. "What do you mean?"
"I don't use this toilet paper."
"What's wrong with this one?"
"I don't want to use this, you can use it."

And with that I said: "So what, your ass is too precious, is it?" Word for word, and since my sarcasm hit her brick wall, the reply came back as a yes. So, here I was with eighteen rolls of toilet paper. Not that I wasn't going to use it (considering that I don't buy tissue paper boxes), but that I wonder why anyone would turn down toilet paper.

Or am I supposed to be more sensitive and think about those buttcheeks that might end up getting scratched? As if there wasn't enough child-friendly stuff anyway.

Currently listening to: Kutless - All Alone
Kutless - Sea Of Faces

Friday, August 25, 2006

One Hundred!

I found myself wondering what was it like, the difference between Melbourne and Kuala Lumpur? For those of you who don't know, the experience can be relived simply by:

1) Take a shower.
2) Turn on the air-con, put it to medium.
3) Take one of those industrial electric fans that you sometimes see in banana leaf restauarants, and put it in your direction.

Which was the weather today in Melbourne. Miserable, windy and wet.

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On another note, when I was playing BF42, this Austrian (not a typo) kept bugging me by asking if I thought if Donkey Kong was sexy. In German. I swear, there's something funny with the water up in Europe.

Monday, August 21, 2006

Random Thoughts, eh?

I thought about something this afternoon, a concept that I had given thought to for quite a while. Humankind is the source of all problems happening on this earth, not excluding war, pollution, sin, yada yada, and somewhere along the list comes the term nuclear war.

And nuclear weapons are no doubt a problem created by said mankind, but what matter way to end a problem with a problem itself? A minus multiplied by a minus would result in a plus, so mankind when affected by the instantaneous effects of nuclear war, so long as EVERYBODY dies, and not a single community, or a lost wanderer is left for the scraps of humanity to pick off, the problem is thus solved. Everybody dies, and there are no problems. No inconveniences, annoyances, taxes and whatnot.

Just sweet, blissful ignorance from the ghosts of a past age, ready to be picked at by archeological aliens who come by and check out the doomed history of the human race.

But then, really, even with the prospect of nuclear war, there will be people surviving. No matter how much the earth is ravaged, since it has survived meteor showers, earthquakes, tsunamis and whatnot -which can be much more devastating than mushroom clouds- and thus, so will humanity, though they will be in much smaller numbers than before.

Face it. Mankind is pretty much more resilient than cockroaches, and some scientists I read once about when I was a lot younger predicted that the little buggers would live on for millions of years. We however, can live either for the next twenty minutes, or rule the universe against the Xeelee (Stephen Baxter reference) for eons to come. Cockroaches are predictable. Mankind isn't.

Isn't that what makes us far more interesting than cockroaches can ever be? Live for the moment, the future, or the one that has just gone by, I swear, nothing else I know can perform such a feat.

And sometimes I tend to wonder why the Supreme Creator in his all-infinite wisdom decided to create us out of the soil from whence we had come from. I came up with the idea a long time back, and added to it a bit this afternoon.

He created us because He was lonely, and wanted some company. Plus, I think He thinks us adorable and all that, trying to act in charge of our surroundings.

Ah well.

Currently listening to: Luca Turilli - Rider of the Astral Fire


Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Noise Levels

So here I was, about to write a review on The Sentinel when I got a knock on my door from my housemate. But before I expand into that, let me talk about my housemates first.

Housemate A, which I will call Skinny Panda is as what you would call her on first sight, even if you weren't in the descriptive mood. She is a bit of a nervous wreck, and is a bit of an isolationist, garnered from the fact that she being a Hongkie, and having spent three years here in Australia, still can't engage in a worthy English conversation. Has problems with me cooking at seven in morning and tries to pull off a nagging demeanor based on small, petty things. Gets annoyed when I don't cave into demands. Also has problems with me singing at night.

Housemate B, has been in the country for a few months, and speaks surprisingly better English than the first, brings back a boyfriend every once in a while. Plumpish, and perhaps just a little pretty if you were to look at her from a certain angle. Once gave me condescending attitude about my hair (its quite long), though I let it slide, and thinks I should respect her because she's older. I shall call her Smirnoff Girl, based on the bottles she keeps in the fridge.

Both are from Hong Kong. Both are at least five years older. Neither prove to have the feel for intelligent/witty conversation, a major turn-off for me. Both have a volume problem with me, no matter how soft my music tends to be. Neither are, from a shallow man's-POV, hot enough to be tolerated.

Perhaps I'm not the easiest housemate in the world, considering my need to talk funny sometimes, or the long hair, or the fact that I don't put back the dishes once in a while. But I say nothing when they give me attitude because they happen to be half-a-decade older than me, or dump my clothes on my toiletries, or when they think that I should help them with whatever computer problem when all they have to do is read the manual and then they're all set.

That, and I have been having a very annoying rash these past few days, so when I told Smirnoff Girl to fuck off when she thought I should lower my volume (not even at quarter volume, currently so low that I have to strain to listen), well, I'm annoyed. And I want to listen to some good music to forget things.

I don't ask for much you know.

Currently listening to: Soundgarden - 4th of July

Those Indie Guys are Crazy

Random clickeys on YouTube spawn awesome results.

He looks eerily similar to a guy I know as VJ.

Friday, August 11, 2006

Against All Odds

Some weeks ago, I watched Dog Soldiers, after doing some self-research on a movie I came to know as The Descent, a horror title that I skipped to watch Memoirs of a Geisha instead, ending up snickering at Chinese actors speaking English and portraying Japanese.

Dog Soldiers, starring Lucius Vorenus and Titus Pullo (no, seriously!) is a great film from a horror point of view, in this day and age where producers would tend to happen upon cheap special effects, buckets of red paint and mindless plots. Where most slashfest movie characters are often told as running scared, Dog Soldiers has a bunch of men running from a certain and inevitable end, frightened, but come to terms with the problem and deal with it. Violently.

So you have a group of army chaps armed to the teeth, holed up in a spot against a pack of evil monsties, yet they cannot seem to take down the enemy as normally expected. However, my point here is not to talk about a movie, but parts within the movie that seem quite inspiring.

The first part of the movie concerns one fellow called Spoon, who has to go one-on-one with the werewolf that walks into the kitchen, and as Wikipedia puts it, the man puts up a stiff upper lip, and goes absolutely fucking nuts. Not in the sense that he goes all scared and shits himself in the pants, but he fights back. Hard. He screams all the way, swings kicks and punches, and flings everything that he can get his hands on at his adversary, and is close to beating the werewolf to death with a frying pan before another werewolf comes in and grabs Spoon by the neck. Just before the fellow is ripped to shreds, he looks the monster in the eye and says, "I hope I give you the shits, you fucking wimp," and literally spits in the face of death.

The second part involves our two favourite legionnaries smashing their way from room to room all across the second floor, breaking through walls, furniture and floors in a desperate attempt for survival. Not as heroic as the first, but still worth a mention as they have to break through their obstacles with the little they have, and still make it out alive. Pullo looks upon the remains of Spoon and mentions a reference to the Matrix that I didn't get until a couple of days back. =P

Now my emphasis is here: these few brave souls are up against all odds, and though only one out of everyone makes it out alive (two actually, but anyways), they put up a good show as compared to what anyone else in most horror shows could possibly muster.

We are told nowadays to run from evil, that when someone comes along and decides to oppress, we should relent and comfort ourselves by saying "Oh, he has his reasons for doing so, so I'll agree that I'm in the wrong," or whatever it is that makes us feel better. We have been trained since an early age to fear those who are higher than us, that we are little children that have no clue into what we're getting into, even when we reach adulthood, to be told again by our so-called leaders to sit up, shut up and be spoon fed.

That's because the prospect of raising ourselves against a culture of greed, evil (not necessarily) and selfishness is seen as taboo, something that has no place in society. I'm not talking about disrespecting one's elders, or rebelling against a lawful, good authority, but when it comes to situations where people just tend to put us down in any way possible, should we not rise up to the occasion, kicking and screaming, and just about throwing everything we can muster, smash every obstacle in our path until we make it out on the other side? Is that not a better option than to sit by, pray and hope that everything will work out right?

From a Christian viewpoint, prayer means nothing without action. You can pray for something to happen all the time, but if you don't pick up yourself to do something about your predicament, nothing will happen. Heard the adage: God helps those who help themselves? Very true indeed, so kicking and screaming does tend to work.

Currently listening to: Nightwish - The Wayfarer

Wednesday, August 09, 2006

A Connection's Tale

For the past four or five days, I've been shaped, connection-wise, instead of what some of you may think. Its annoying, especially for one who relies on the influx (and outflux) of bandwidth rather heavily as compared to some.

"What is shaping?" some of you might ask, since it's a fairly unheard-of concept from the motherland (Malaysia, where connections are bad enough anyhow without being shaped). Without going into too many details, some broadband plans over where I am currently have this idea of setting a limit for the amount of data you can download per month, and once you reach that threshold, your line's capability gets cut down to about ten percent.

To put it in an analogy, imagine driving your car down the highway, and the speed limit happens to be 120 km/h. You cruise along that speed until you reach a little let's say, one or two km above that particular limit, and then a cop comes over, stops your car, takes out your engine and replaces it with a steam boiler.

Therefore, you have the same car, same look, but wholly different feel. Same thing with what I'm feeling right now, as my ADSL has been cut down to the power of dial-up. Mind you, it still connects as broadband, but is no faster than a 56k. Which is quite annoying, if you have to get from one point to another.

And the thing is, my Internet provider had this sort of a policy for more than a year now, although for some reason, they implemented the policing until not more than a month ago. And at the same time, they threw in a bunch of connection problems which just made everyone else's life miserable in terms of connecting to the Internet. So, a number of users took off (including a friend of mine who was hooked up on the same service) and got on to another provider.

Thing is, I've always been somewhat of a heavy user, and spent most of my Internet time by downloading various media and reading all sorts of articles that came as an interest to my being. Now a little question remains for about eight more days until this shape thing is lifted.

Should I upgrade my service for 10 dollars more (thus granting me 15 more GB per month) or should I follow my friends and search for greener pastures?

Ah well.

Currently listening to: Sonata Arctica - Peacemaker

Sonata Arctica

Tuesday, August 08, 2006

And again.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Aenean accumsan tellus eu justo. Nulla facilisi. Donec sollicitudin, elit eu sollicitudin euismod, dolor risus malesuada neque, a accumsan lacus arcu quis felis. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Praesent vitae massa. Curabitur porttitor consectetuer orci. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Etiam augue ipsum, hendrerit sit amet, luctus eget, sodales vel, nisi. Fusce turpis augue, vulputate non, dictum nec, fermentum non, urna. Aliquam metus. Nam porta ornare nisi. Mauris ornare est nec mauris aliquet faucibus. Praesent et erat vel purus interdum eleifend. Proin nunc nibh, vehicula in, mollis eu, porta id, diam. Cras iaculis sapien ut libero. Suspendisse potenti. Suspendisse ligula nunc, mattis ac, pretium nec, congue dictum, mi. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Nulla eget felis quis metus venenatis hendrerit.

Mauris aliquet eh what?

Oh sorry, I was just testing out my new CSS and layout. I seem to be doing that more than putting in content. Instead of the angryness of Wrath of the Unladen Swallow, its back to good ol' Nest of the Unladen Swallow, with coconuts. I'll promise to update this site more often, so it won't be just another placeholder.

Lorem ipsum. For all your general filler stuff.