If I were to place a weblog entry for everything for everyday I did, I would likely bore people to death, especially myself, since I'm not catering for the needs of anyone.
But preferably something of interest, something you don't see everyday? Well, I was in the car with me Dad going up a hill through the streets of PJ this particular afternoon, and my eyes looked upon a fair amount of trees being pruned of their branches + leaves + twigs + squirrels. So happens another road where we turned into had its tall-standing denizens being given a level-1 shave (Indian barber term).
I don't say level 0 because that means deforestation.
Anyways, with men and their powersaws cutting through branches, there were also about three others standing by the truck that was gathering all the fallen hairs of the trees. Maybe four, though that one of them was more into the passive job of seeing that none of the branches would tip over the truck's top.
One of them, without his shirt was showing off to his buddies with his yo-yo.
And not just any yo-yo. The ProYo BumbleBee, back at a time where me and my school buddies were so into that fights didn't capture the same type of fun. I even had one friend who went so far as to purchase the Cold Fusion, which costed pretty much more than a few hundred dollars.
I still have one BumbleBee, the other one that I once bought having broke from an All-Around-the-World trick when the string snapped after making its fifth revolution. This second one, due to years of non-use would probably have its ball bearing and whatevernotconcerningthepartsofayoyo well, not as good as it used to be.
And this guy wasn't that all good with his yo-yo, but his other two buddies were looking at him, and paying attention. If you could do a few tricks, and had your fun, what more eh?
I think I'll fish up my old BumbleBee, and do a few tricks. No All-Around-the-World, though.