Those Wacky Indians!

I ought to see this movie one day. Indian movie posters crack me up all the more because they (Bollywood buggers) really were serious. Or were they?
Perhaps I ought to the let them pictures speak for themselves.
Well, that's a bit better now, though the colors may look a little bit off, at least to some of you guys. I'm still deciding on what is best, in the midst of work and all. In the mean time:
Ring. Ring.
I don't have very many things happening to me these days, or that I just seem to forget about them, or take a lack of pictures concerning. So sometimes I'll post pictures of albums my ear is listening to.
Morning + Kaizers Orchestra + Sonic Youth + Reading Brodie's Post + 20 to 30 mins of PaintShop Pro 5 = Creative Silliness in the form of wallpapers.
I've seen some odd stuff, but this cracked me up at first glance.
I just discovered a coupla days back that with the resources of my uni I was able to set up my own blog. And in some ways, it seems so much more customizable than is able to provide. Should I move?
Having your own room is good. You can fart to your heart's content and no one is going to complain about it.
Blog Wars!
It all started on about Mondaynight/Tuedsday morning, when I was playing a game of Starcraft over Battlenet. Now you might ask, Starcraft? Isn't that a bit old? Yeah, I must admit, I haven't played it for about 2 or 3 years, some of you even longer, and I seemed content to put down a game or two with Stormcrow and Theros. So happened I still had a spare CD-key in my possession, thanks to Akuma.
This is an input from the Windows On-Screen Keyboard. Precise, but so damn slow.