Wrath of the Unladen Swallow.
Saturday, June 18, 2005
Friday, June 17, 2005
Just having a bit of fun with the picture maker. This next one, Nemo and Tub might recognize. For all the times listening to your radio, Nem. ;)

Let me know if it doesn't look anything remotely like me.

Clicky on the right hand part where it says "South Park Studio" Flash.
Thursday, June 16, 2005
Just having a drink a couple of days ago.

And then this was noticed.

Checked another cap. Voxson. Then Ralph. Don't know what Ralph is, but it sure as heck ain't got anything to do with sound-related products. Or something. Beer people, please stick to making beer and sound people, please make televisions. I'm not buying that brand again.
Tuesday, June 14, 2005
Now I don't normally throw away and waste food, seeing as I am a believer of God-given food to man. But when man screws up (as often as he does), and makes something like tomato salmon pasta, egh. Seriously.
Saturday, June 11, 2005
Tick tock click clock.
If you're new here, you might not know that I have changed my original page layout for another, one thats used by blogger.com. More so because I thought the original one (which I had designed in a matter of minutes, and days of sifting through blogger.com's config) wasn't very much to my liking. Or that I could have done a better job if I had sat down and concentrated.
But I didn't really have the time to that, getting rid of the tag-board which no one uses anyway.
At the moment, I have a case of insomnia. Something I never had before, I blame it on the obligations I have currently. Its not a fun feeling to be feeling to want to sleep and the next moment, you're thinking too much. Beer doesn't help, and charges things in reverse of what is expected. Calm the nerves yes, thats what I'm trying to do.
And when you think you can get a good case of rest, the phone rings and a telemarketer speaks his wares. Was too tired from forced waking to spout out vulgarities so I slammed the receiver back down.
Friday, June 10, 2005
Early morning stuff.
Well, normally I wouldn't post, but there was a little bit of a drama about an hour ago, so I would tell it thus.
Trying to get myself to sleep for the exam in the evening, I had this bit of traveling between my room and the toilet when a sort of banging sound occured downstairs. Going down to take a look, some of my other tenant fellows were gathering about the main door which had part of the glass kicked in.
And a party of four were walking down the street away from our block, and one of the housemates says that it was them that kicked the door, so we give chase. They were a bit far for us to run off to and catch up all the while, us shouting (me actually) "Hey, come the fuck back!" with other equivalents, though they wouldn't stop. So as soon as we turned around the corner, they were gone. Vanished, without a trace. But it was pretty much impossible, because even if they were more than ten seconds off we would have seen their movements.
And then we noticed a door by the building on the corner that closed, so we went after the door, and there was them running into the elevator. We gave chase again, but couldn't come after them seeing as the security doors wouldn't budge.
Now, the funny thing was that our block was only one number away from their building. Which pretty much makes us almost next door neighbours. Which brings me to a thought. What the fuck? One of us got a good view of the group involved, they went on to bash a glass section of the door (though it wasn't smashed all over, being security glass and all), and it turns out that they're neighbours? Pretty good coverup there, mate.
In the end, called the landlord, he comes over and we all stand around and drink tea/coffee. Oddly though, I thought we ought to have this sort of thing more often. My apartment isn't very known for excitement.
Good night, kiddies.
Sunday, June 05, 2005
SOLO. Nice soft drink, seeing that I don't really drink soft drinks. After all those NGO warning us how sugared beverages can affect our nervous systems and turn us into zombies, except zombies that aren't really zombies in the dead sense, but are those that worship capitalism. Go figurine. I have no clue either.
Saturday, June 04, 2005
I don't know about some of you guys, but sometimes I just can't be really arsed about the updation of one's blog. Not in my interests to let the world know about my non-existent private life.
Listening to:

Tangerine Dream. Good for anytime, really. Either that, or JMJ.
Wednesday, June 01, 2005

You are a pirate. Life at sea, colorful clothing and a love of wine, women and song mean you're just not cut out for the ninja lifestyle. But that hook hand is pretty cool though.
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