Wednesday, May 31, 2006

Long Awaited Moment

I'm free of my assignments, finally! To think they've taken such a long amount of my time, I had almost naught to do whatsoever with my personal life. Time to do some catching up.

On another note, I've changed the CSS of the site. Again. This must have been what, the fifth time since I've done a complete? It's just that I haven't been satisfied with some of my previous layouts and outlooks, and some of them were a little bit too cluttered with overhead. This one's a lot simpler, and a lot more striking than the previous versions.

Also, note that it takes on an angrier tone, now that its called the Wrath of the Unladen Swallow. Not that I'm angry or anything, even if it does provoke a little hostility.

Feel free to comment.

Currently listening to:
Reckoning Night

Nice listen, Sonata Arctica. Not as powerful as Dragonforce, but certainly more diverse and melodic.

Thursday, May 25, 2006

I've been feeling pretty down as of late, and a lot of things have been taking place. Things that I thought I could handle, but overwhelm me.

How do I feel? Look at my song for the day.

Currently listening to: The Who - Behind Blue Eyes

Sunday, May 21, 2006

I slashed my middle finger trying to open a can of baked beans this morning.

It bled quite a bit since it was a pretty deep cut.

The lesson? Cans of baked beans are fricking dangerous.

Currently listening to: Soundgarden - My Wave

Thursday, May 18, 2006


I finally got my Internet connection hooked up, and to think it's been what a couple of months since I've been able to log in from this computer of mine? A few months of moving from house to house, mooching off people's rations and sleeping off their beds has made me a little nomadic. Not that I don't mind being a temporary person, just not now since its the middle of a semester and one definitely needs a place to stay, shower and do whatever he needs to do without having to waste time looking for a place.

And that was what I was doing for the past two months. Looking for a place to stay.

When you're a student, it seems especially hard for one to apply for a place to rent, from those real estate chaps. To date, a friend and I (we were hoping to share a house/apartment) were prospecting across the market for a number of weeks, and we came across more than thirty different properties, and to make a long story short, inspected well over twenty of them, sent in our applications amounted with a lot of photocopied details and whatnot.

To no avail, it seems. It's just damn hard as a student to get things done sometimes. Apparently, real estate people tend to have this skewed viewpoint of students, and that they tend to not pay up on time, or run whenever possible. A clear cut case of one bad apple ruining the whole bunch, though I think I can attest that a lot of these guys have faced coursemates, classmates, whoever in their younger days, and thus have little trust over students.

In the end, all those applications, no matter how beautiful they looked according to the real estate companies, were rejected in the end. And on top of that, I had to call them at times to find out the status of my applications.

So determined not to live off the shoulders of another man's house, I went to the uni and checked out the notice boards for a sign of apartments to share, and lo and behold, found me a few. Looked at one, called up the landlady and asked to have a look. Inspections aplenty, furnished, reasonable pricing, I took the place on the spot.

Should have done this two months ago. Dammit.

Currently listening to: Nightwish - Nightquest

Thursday, May 04, 2006

A bit alone

You tend to miss home a lot when you're up to your elbows in obligations and work, and have absolutely no social life. Nobody cares, it seems sometimes.

Hell, I'm used to it, but it could get a bit better.

Tuesday, May 02, 2006

What the chee bai

Thank God for languages that aren't platform specific.

Still a busy man with no life.