Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Lost In Space

Seems so, doesn't it? Welcome the new design, which I've spent a couple of hours combined, over a span of perhaps three days, and some months of contemplation. Its not as flashy as some blogs might seem to be, and it retains that simplicity so that those of you with slower connections won't feel so left out. Not that I was really considering you guys, since my pictures will most likely take up a lot of your bandwidth, and I'm not about to start a picture weblog for the sake of pleasing a few individuals.

Some observations you may make may include singling out one day's post worth, which may cause some oddities that won't otherwise be there when you're viewing a full page. On a better point-of-view, those of you who don't use Firefox can now read this without having to read one word per line.

Perhaps I should just rename this place as to the title of today, since it has that kind of feeling. Does it not? I was considering placing a picture of the Milky Way in the middle of the page, just to make it seem extra awesome or something like that, but I'm not too great in the area of making galaxies via Photoshop or Maya or whatever, nor am I about to leech stuff from the glorious Hubblesite. Now that's a place with incredible wallpaper.

I also removed the chatbox because I considered it of slight unnecessity. That's what you have these comments at the bottom of every post for. So that you can make comments.

The page is also, I would suspect, of quicker loadness, since I got rid of a goodly bit of overhead. It pays to work from scratch, if you ask me.


At 10:44 PM , Blogger ayandy said...

nice design... did u consider the size of the stars? its a good speckle size, if they were any bigger i'll be seeing dots everywhere

At 3:10 AM , Blogger The Unladen Swallow said...

Well, they are dots, are they not? ;)


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