Sunday, February 06, 2005

Second Shot

Here I am in Australia. Funny don'tcha think, that the thought of reality finally hits you in the end. Weeks went by where I'd be saying to meself, "Oh, I'm going. OK then", without much a thought where and why, but in the final hours, I began to say, "I'm actually going!" Didn't pinch me skin to find out if it was a dream or not.

I'll go down one step by one.
3rd February

Got to the airport with friends and family, said goodbyes and all. And if there's one thing I'd have to say is, please, please guys -you know who you people are- shut up! :S I wouldn't say that too seriously though, because it was a bit funny at the time. Telling me to take care and make sure the bomb doesn't go off early, or something like that. Please guys! Its an airport, anytime security could just come down, take me away and strip-search, whatever.

Sometimes I'm thankful that I wasn't born in the U.S. They don't take too kindly to little pranks anymore. Sad.

I got to the aircraft, and it took off without incident, well, incident meaning that nothing really untoward would have happened in the case of planes and stuff. Perhaps I was a bit afraid, (but only in a fun sort of way, jokingly) having watched the Terminal about a week before. They'd have to stuff a whole village in the terminal would that have to happen.

An 8-hour flight, even if I was hoping for a bit more. I sometimes like long flights. We touched down in Melbourne, at about 8.10 a.m. minus Daylight Savings Time. Why'd they have to do that anyway, you know, Daylight Savings? If the same thing happened in Malaysia, people would still be getting to work even if it was pitch black, 7 o'clock in the morning. It's an advantage, I'm told. People get to wake up late in the morning, which is a blessing, for some like Nem, who has never woken a single morning willingly.

PS. Am working on the CSS. Its not very pretty at the moment.


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